Annual Installation: 24th March 2018
The Annual Installation of the new RWM and his office bearers
was held in the Volunteer Hall, attended by a large deputation, led by the Provincial Grand Master, Bro. John W. Blackie of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Roxburgh Peebles and Selkirkshires, along with a large gathering of brethren from various lodges, Bro. Gordon J. Newlands was installed as the new Right Worshipful Master of the Galashiels Lodge. Installing Masters for the ceremony were Past Masters, Bro. George Duff and Bro. Andrew Beatt.
Scottish Night: 3rd February 2018
Another fantastic night was held in the Royal British Legion, with great speakers, great food and great fun had by all. What is fast becoming a great regular night on our calendar, we were joined by many Legion members who all had a tremendous night’s entertainment.
Annual Installation: 25th March 2017
Brother Jock Clowry was installed into the Chair of King Solomon in what was an extremely enjoyable afternoon and evening, held in the Galashiels branch of The Royal British Legion. Installed by Past Masters – George Duff and Andrew Beatt, a fine deputation from the Provincial Grand Lodge of Roxburgh, Peebles and Selkirk Shires attended along with many brethren from within and outwith the Province.
Scottish Night: 11th February 2017
We were delighted to host a Scottish Night on the 11th of February 2017, held in the Royal British Legion, Galashiels. A three course traditional Burns Supper fayre was enjoyed, along with a little bit of Burns, and some traditional Scottish music.
October 1st: Bicentenary Meeting.
Saturday October 1st saw a very special meeting. Grand Lodge, led by the Right Worshipful Depute Master, Bro. Ramsay Mcghee performed a re-dedication ceremony. Very large deputations both from Grand Lodge of Scotland, and the Provincial Grand Lodge of Roxburgh, Peebles and Selkirkshires were welcomed by the RWM Bro. George Duff.
In excess of 120 Brethren stayed after the meeting in the Volunteer Hall, and enjoyed an excellent meal with some first class speakers, followed on by an excellent night of harmony.
April 2016 Meeting. The Galashiels Lodge No. 262 were delighted to welcome a deputation from the Provincial Grand Lodge of Roxburgh, Peebles and Selkirk Shires, headed on this occasion by The Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master, Bro. John Walter Blackie.
The Brethren were witness to a very special presentation this evening – The Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master – Bro. John Walter Blackie, accompanied by the Right Worshipful Master – Bro. George Duff were delighted to present Bro. Barclay Scott with his 70 Year Membership Diploma. Bro. Scott gave a very warming speech of thanks, following very eloquent words from Bro’s Blackie and Duff.
The Right Worshipful Master Bro. Duff was delighted to present Bro. Blackie with a commemorative jewel to mark the 200th anniversary of the Galashiels Lodge being granted it’s charter.
We then enjoyed a well researched, first-class lecture on the early history of the Galashiels Lodge, presented by Bro. Alex Fotheringham P.M.
March 2016 – Installation of RWM
We were delighted to install Bro. George A. Duff as the new Right Worshipful Master of Galashiels 262. Bro. Duff has been Master of 262 on two previous occasions and is also a Past Master of Haughfoot 1824. An excellent installation took place, with Installing Masters Drew Laven and Jim Pryde performing an excellent ceremony.